Who Is The One True God?

Bill Hinostroza
6 min readJun 22, 2024


This is the second article published in a medium list called “If God Is Real Who is He?”. You can find the first article “Is There A God?” here.

If you haven’t read the previous article, I go over general logic view points of how I and the general population see the world as it is today using several key points that we can all agree on and come to an understanding. I believe using empathy to understand both sides of the argument can set aside our differences about a topic that is so heavily debated.

The whole purpose of the previous article is to come to conclusion that there is a God, a creator, an all divine being that created what we call earth. Because logically speaking there is no such thing as coincidences. Everything that has happened has purpose because there is a cause and effect behind it.

If there was no such thing as logic or purpose than you and I would not be here today because simply our very own genetic code or DNA would not exist and neither our conscious, which gives us our awareness.

So, now that we got acquainted that there is a God. The real question will be “Who is the one true God?”. This is a heavily debated topic since the dawn of man, there have been hundreds and thousands of gods that people have worshipped throughout each region and era.

So, you can see why it is so heavily debated because there is so much confusion and gods out there. That people don’t know who to turn to and thus begin to question a lot of things.

This is where the purpose of my article comes in with “Who is the one true God?”. So, with that in mind lets search up the very definition of God. We will be using the worlds oldest and most accredited english dictionary which is the Oxford English Dictionary via Google.

The definition of god via Oxford English Dictionary

As, you can see we have several definitions with each of them explaining different usages in certain circumstances. What we are going to focus on is the very first definition that comes to mind, which is: “(in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.”

So, it is interesting to note that the very first definition mentions “christianity and monotheistic religions”. Let’s go one step further and search up what is “monotheistic religions”.

The definition of monotheistic via Oxford English Dictionary

“Relating to or characterized by the belief that there is only one God.” Now, this is interesting because what have we learned from these two words? A god is “the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.” and ”relating to or characterized by the belief that there is only one God.”.

Now lets analyze this and ask ourselves “wouldn’t the one true god claim the very definition and title of God?”. Let’s go a little deeper and ask ourselves “Wouldn’t the one true god also be the most influential and heavily worshipped, throughout history and region. Regardless of race, age and economic status.”

Top 5 Religions

Let’s search up “top 5 religions” to find out which religions have had the most impact in the world. The first result that we get is a list of 5 religions shown, let’s click on it to get more info.

Top 5 Most Influential Religions

There, is a lot of information in this page but lets break it down to parts that are most notable. First, what are the top religions? They are: Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity. Great, we went from hundreds of thousands to just 5.

Let’s recall that the word god is associated with “monotheistic” meaning only one god qualifies under this definition. So, let’s rule out religions that have more than one god. Hinduism is classified under monotheism with polytheistic elements.


Basically Hinduism comprises a wide range of beliefs about God and Divinity, such as henotheism, monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, pandeism, monism, agnosticism, atheism, and nontheism.

Meaning “a man may not believe in god and still call himself a Hindu”. So, this rules out Hinduism.

What about Buddhism? Buddhism is neither monotheistic or polytheistic as it’s under it’s own classification as they do not focus on the worship of a deity. There is no god of creation like in the religions mentioned.

Nirvana Buddhism

The goal of Buddhism is to become enlightened and reach nirvana. Nirvana is believed to be attainable only with the elimination of all greed, hatred, and ignorance within a person. Nirvana signifies the end of the cycle of death and rebirth. So, with this in mind Buddhism does not qualify as a monotheistic religion. As, it’s own thing.

Leaving us with only 3 religions which are: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Abrahamic Religions — Judaism, Christianity and Islam

If you are not familiar with these religion you would say that these 3 are distinct however they are close to each other then you may think. The God mentioned in these are all the same. Judaism is actually the first religion out of these 3 as Christianity and Islam is derived from it.

These religions share a common core foundation in their worship as they have Abraham, who is considered their first prophet. They also share other commonalities, like: Monotheism, Importance of Jerusalem, Significance of Abraham, Fasting, and Feast days.

Abrahamic Religion — Similarities & Differences

You start to see some differences, such as in their views on salvation, circumcision, and proselytism down the timeline we go. Which is what birthed Christianity and Islam.

Christians believe in Jesus as the one and only Son of God while Muslims believe that Jesus was only a prophet just like their founder Muhammad and are awaiting for their messiah, the Mahdi to arrive. While Jews are still waiting for their messiah and reject the last two.

End Times Prophecy

To end this article they also share some commonalities regarding end time prophecies. As mentioned above the Jews are waiting for their Messiah to arrive, while Christians are waiting for Jesus to return and the Muslims are also waiting for Jesus to return along with the Mahdi to arrive.

So, to answer the question of this article. Who is the one true God? History tells us that it is the Abrahamic God that the Jews, Christians and Muslims worship. As, these 3 are the most influential religions of past and current times.

I hope this shed some light on “Who Is The One True God?”

Please feel free to share this with someone if you found this interesting.

As always,

God be with you.

