Your Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts

Bill Hinostroza
4 min readJun 30, 2024


Did you know?

Your thoughts are not entirely your thoughts.

Let me explain.

Our Thoughts Are Not Entirely Our Thoughts

You sometimes have good thoughts and bad thoughts. Have you ever pictured or thought about something so bad that you question yourself or feel ashamed about it?

You may not believe so but we are constantly being influenced by evil spirits throughout the waking day and hours. Still don’t believe me? Well, have you ever drank too much alcohol and then done things you normally don’t do when you are sober then immediately regret it.

Good vs Evil Thoughts

Well, I hope you start to see the bigger picture because when we are intoxicated we are opening up ourselves to these spirits. We start to lose a sense of free will as we no longer think or care before doing.

Thus, your thoughts are not entirely your thoughts as they are heavily influenced by evil spirits. What we watch, listen and eat all have an influence over us.

Subliminal Messages

That is why we need to be careful with what we consume on a daily basis because your favorite show, artist or food may not seem what you think it is. Then you start to ask yourself why am I more prone to this type of behavior or mindset. Why am I tempted to do this or that. It’s because our society is being led by these evil spirits.

However, there is good news as we are also in contact with good spirits. Like, the Holy Spirit, God and Jesus.

The Trinity

Now how can that be? I have not heard a voice or seen them in anyway. Well, that might be true. God gave us something just as important that is free and accessible to all which is the Bible and did you know the Bible is an acronym for (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).

This is why God tells us to put our armor on because the words in the book help us with the warfare that is going up on our minds. The more we read the Bible the more we think about it and the less influence evil spirits have on us.

B.I.B.L.E — Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

Of course it’s not easy doing this because sometimes we don’t feel anything when we read the Bible. I 100% understand and can agree with that and that’s where prayer comes in.

Do you know why witches, warlocks and sorcerers cast spells to do their bidding for them and do you know what is in a spell? Well, to put it quite simply it’s just a bunch of words that each serve a purpose. Our words have power. They contain energy and as you bring it to life by uttering it slowly existence into the physical realm.

Power of Prayer

In the book of Genesis, what are the first words mentioned? The first words mentioned were “Let there be light” and there was light. God uttered everything into existence and we were made in his image. We each contain a substance of God and we are all interconnected.

Now, I don’t want to go off topic but the gist of it is that our thoughts is a spiritual battleground between good and evil. Everything around us influences that and the only way to combat evil is by reading the word of God and going into prayer.

There is also fasting which helps us kill our earthly desires and not focus on what we want but what God wants. I can talk about countless things regarding spirituality but I will end it with this.

Ephesians 6:11–13
11 “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground”.

